
Port Scan with Microsoft portqry

Google it, and go to the Microsoft site to download it, and then unzip/install it.

Assume we want to scan a port 443 for a domain example.com

portqry -n example.com -e 443

Assume we want to scan ports 80, and 443 (in order) for a domain example.com

portqry -n example.com -o 80,443

Assume we want to scan ports from 200 to 1000 for a domain example.com

portqry -n example.com -r 200:1000

Assume we want to scan ports from 200 to 1000 for an ip

portqry -n -r 200:1000

Assume we want to scan ports from 200 to 1000 for an ip by using udp (it can be tcp by switching to -p tcp)

portqry -n -p udp -r 200:1000

Assume we want to scan ports from 200 to 1000 for an ip with output as log file

portqry -n -r 200:1000 -l out.log

For more information

portqry -h
  • else/port_scan_with_microsoft_portqry.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/05/14 10:16
  • by chongtin