Assume we have a component called servers. ngFor takes an array, and loop them through. {{}}
is the way to bind the value from JavaScript/Type Script to HTML. Of course, the hList
in our example can be change dynamically, and the UI will refresh if it is changed.
<ul *ngFor="let word of hList"> <li>{{word}}</li> </ul>
If we want to get the index of the array as well, we can do
<ul *ngFor="let word of hList; let i = index"> <li>{{i}}: {{word}}</li> </ul>
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-servers', templateUrl: './servers.component.html', styleUrls: ['./servers.component.css'] }) export class ServersComponent implements OnInit { hList: string[]; constructor() { } ngOnInit() { this.hList = []; this.hList.push("apple"); this.hList.push("banana"); this.hList.push("cat"); this.hList.push("dog"); this.hList.push("egg"); } }