{{:logo.png?nolink&200|}} Why creating this site? Mostly for myself because I forget stuff all the time, and computer science is just too much stuff need to be remembered. I think it would be good to have a place to write down some notes in case I need to do something again and forgot. Feel free to look around, and see if the ads above and below has the content you are interested in (Well, you know...). ====== Programming ====== ===== Angular (2+)===== * [[ng:Installing Angular Command Line Interface(CLI)]] * [[ng:Create a New Project]] * [[ng:Build Project that Needs to Use a Lot of Memory]] * [[ng:Proxy to Back-end For Development]] * [[ng:Add Dialog Component from Angular Material]] * [[ng:Observable Interval Subscription]] * [[ng:Adding Router to App]] * [[ng:Using Material Auto Complete]] * [[ng:Creating Component]] * [[ng:Directive *ngIf]] * [[ng:Directive ngStyle]] * [[ng:Directive ngClass]] * [[ng:Directive *ngFor]] * [[ng:Service]] * [[ng:EventEmitter]] * [[ng:@Input() @Output() for Child and Parent Component Communication]] * [[ng:Template Driven Form]] * [[ng:Reactive Form]] ===== CSS ===== * [[css:Watermark]] ===== Gradle ===== * [[gradle:Behind Proxy Server]] ===== Grails 3 Cookbook ===== * [[grails:setup_grails_3_development_environment]] * [[grails:setup_grails_3_behind_proxy]] * [[grails:using_console_to_create_and_build_a_project]] * [[grails:using_intellij_idea_ultimate_ide]] * [[grails:grails_3_project_directories]] * [[grails:Data Source]] * [[grails:Multiple Data Sources]] * [[grails:Controller]] * [[grails:domain]] * [[Service]] * [[grails:URL Mappings]] * [[grails:mastering_gorm_dynamic_finders]] * [[grails:mastering_HQL]] * [[grails:mastering_Domain.createCriteria()]] * [[grails:adding_spring_security_plugin]] * [[grails:adding_customized_authentication_for_spring_security_plugin]] * [[grails:Spring Security Login Redirection]] * [[grails:reading_csv_files]] * [[grails:Quartz - Job Scheduler]] * [[grails:Rest Client with JSON]] * [[grails:Interceptor]] * [[grails:Goodies]] ===== HTML ===== * [[html:Command HTTP Status Codes]] * [[html:Avoid Getting favicon.ico 404 Eror]] * [[html:HTML Header Redirection]] ===== Java ===== * [[Insecurity HTTPS Connection]] * [[Adding CRT to Java CaCerts]] * [[java:Jasper Report]] * [[java:Apache POI Check if File Contains Macros]] * [[java:Basic Gson]] * [[java:Setting TrustStore and KeyStore in Runtime]] * [[java:Checking Memory Allocation]] * [[java:Resize Image with ImageIO and Graphics2D]] * [[java:File to String]] * [[java:Byte[] to File]] * [[java:Calling Native Windows DLL API with JNA]] * [[java:Levenshtein Distance]] ===== JavaScript ===== * [[Bootstrap Confirmation]] * [[Bootstrap 3 Datepicker]] * [[Bootstrap 3 Typeahead]] * DataTables JS * [[datatables:DataTables Basic]] * [[datatables:DataTables Set Column Width]] * [[DataTables Sorting]] * [[datatables:DataTables Rendering Column with Row Data]] * [[datatables:DataTables Ajax Request Data]] * [[Select2 JS]] * [[js:AJAX]] * [[js:AJAX-like jQuery File Download]] * [[js:Javascript String Functions]] * [[js:Javascript Promises]] * [[js:Javascript URLSearchParams]] ===== Maven ===== * [[maven:Behind Proxy Server]] * [[maven:Add Local Repository for Project]] * [[maven:war to ear]] ===== Node.js ===== * [[nodejs:Install Node.js]] * [[nodejs:Behind Proxy Server]] * [[nodejs:Install npx]] * [[nodejs:Using puppeteer to Capture Screenshot of a Website]] ===== React.js ===== **Prerequisite** * [[reject:JavaScript Arrow Function]] **Basic** * [[reject:Create a Project]] * [[reject:What is JSX]] * [[reject:Components Functional VS Class-based]] * [[reject:Component Lifecycles]] **Styling** * [[reject:Importing CSS file]] * [[reject:Inline style]] * [[reject:Dynamic Inline style]] * [[reject:Dynamic className]] **props and state** * [[reject:props]] * [[reject:state]] * [[reject:using props, state, and binding]] * [[reject:prop-types, For Type Checking]] * [[reject:Passing Value, Reference Between Components]] * [[reject:Using List]] * [[reject:Redux]] **Server Related** * [[reject:Connect to Server - AXIOS JS]] * [[reject:Router]] **Material UI** * [[reject:Install]] * [[reject:Grid]] * [[reject:Flexbox]] * [[reject:Components]] **Deployment** * [[reject:Deploy on WebLogic]] ===== Spring Boot / Spring ===== * [[springboot:Start From Spring Initializr]] * [[springboot:CommandLineRunner]] * [[springboot:Run Spring Not as Server]] * [[springboot:Scheduling Task]] * [[springboot:Handling the Trailing Slash in URL]] * [[springboot:Mapping URL to Local File System]] * [[springboot:Hibinate 5 Ignore @Table, @column Name in Entity?]] * [[springboot:Deploy SpringBoot 2.3.1 on Weblogic 12c]] * [[springboot:Development and Production application.properties]] * [[springboot:Adding customized properties in application.properties file]] * [[springboot:Basic Websocket]] ==== Controller ==== * [[springboot:Spring RestController]] * [[springboot:Spring RestController Better Error Handling]] * [[springboot:Spring Form Input]] * [[springboot:Spring Form Input From HttpServletRequest]] ==== DataSource ==== * [[springboot:Using H2 As DataSource For Testing]] * [[springboot:Spring Basic JPA]] * [[springboot:Spring Using DataSource or JdbcTemplate]] * [[springboot:Having Spring to Create the Database Schema]] * [[springboot:Table Naming Being Ignored]] * [[springboot:Calling Stored Procedure with Output parameters]] * [[springboot:Spring JPA DTO mapping]] * [[springboot:Multiple Datasources]] ==== Security ==== * [[springboot:Adding Customized Pre-Authentication]] * [[springboot:Spring Web Security]] * [[springboot:Spring Simple Username-Password Authentication with H2]] * [[springboot:Spring Simple Ajax Authentication]] * [[springboot:What is JSON Web Token (JWT)]] * [[springboot:Spring Simple JWT Authentication]] ==== Error Handling, Debugging ==== * [[spring:ControllerAdvice for Catching Exception in Rest Controller]] * [[springboot:Display Detail Log in Debug Console]] ===== VBScript ===== * [[VBScript:Print All Files in a Directory]] ====== Apache Http ====== * [[httpd:Start Apache as Service on MS Windows]] * [[httpd:Virtual Host]] * [[httpd:Reverse Porxy]] * [[httpd:Setup TSL (https)]] ====== MS SQL Server ====== * [[ms sql server:Performance Tuning]] * [[ms sql server:List Out All Tables and Fields]] * [[ms sql server:Alter nvarchar Size for a Column]] * [[ms sql server:Check Field Type of a Table]] * [[ms sql server:Exec Stored Procedure]] * [[ms sql server:Microsoft Clustering Fail-over Have Downtime]] ====== SSIS ====== * [[ssis:Force to Fail an Expression for Testing]] ====== Ubuntu Server ====== * [[ubunut:Disk Space Cleaning]] * [[ubunut:Ubuntu Full Backup]] * [[ubunut:Add HTTP Password Login to a Site]] * [[ubunut:Restore a Lost SSH Section]] ====== DokuWiki ====== * [[Adding Google AdSense]] ====== JBoss ====== * [[jboss:GC in jboss-cli]] ====== Hong Kong Government Open Data ====== * [[Address Lookup Service]] ====== MS Windows ====== * [[mswindows:Re-enable Task Manager]] ====== TSL Cert ====== * [[tslcert:Creating Cert]] * [[tslcert:Check Remote Server Cert with Openssl]] ====== iptables ====== * [[Level 4 (TCP, UDP) tunneling]] * [[iptables:Open Port]] ====== Docker ====== * [[Useful Commands]] ====== Somthing Else ====== * [[else:How to Backup a DVD to MP4]] * [[else:DVR-Scan]] * [[else:Generate Battery Report in Win10]] * [[else:Port Scan with Microsoft portqry]] * [[else:curl]] * [[else:OwnCloud]] * [[else:This page statistics]]