====== Spring RestController ====== - Create a package call controllers (could be anything, but this name make it clear) under your project root package. - Create a class call Home (could be anything, but this name make it clear) in the controllers package. - package com.example.demo.controllers import com.example.demo.domain.Cat import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController @RestController class Home { @GetMapping("/") String index() { return "Return as plain text" } @GetMapping("/cat") Cat something() { return new Cat() } @GetMapping("/param") String param(@RequestParam(value = "param1", defaultValue = "param1") String param1) { return param1 } } - Above your class name, add ''@RestController'' to tell spring that it is a rest controller class - To map url get path to a method, put @GetMapping with the corresponding path eg:''@GetMapping("/")'' above the method. This example mapped the root path to the method index() - If the thing return is a string, it will return a plain text to the http client. - If the thing return is an object, it will return a JSON that represent that Object. It depends in the ''getter'' of that Object. - We can take parameter from user by using ''@RequestParam''. We can map it to the parameter with the method parameter, and give it a default value if the user do not supply one. - For this example, we have links,, and ===== More ===== We have all kind of mapping, and we can map the same path with different http method to a different functions. - @GetMapping - @PostMapping - @PutMapping - @DeleteMapping - @PatchMapping We can add ''@RequestMapping("something")'' to the class so that any mapping under this class will become ''/something/...''