====== Deploy on WebLogic ====== You need to create 3 files, and they are web.xml, pom.xml, weblogic.xml(optional) in your existing react project. we put all file in the root directory of the react project. ===== weblogic.xml ===== Mainly to tell which version of WebLogic we are using, and the context-root of the project. If you are cool with the context-root as your war file name, you can skip this part. what is context-root? https://wwww.your_domain.com/context_root/... <---the 'path' right after your domain name is context-root. In the following config, our context-root would be ''myapp''. myapp 12.2.1 ===== web.xml ===== To tell the container that this is a web app. Change ''YOUR COOL APP NAME'' yourself. YOUR COOL APP NAME 404 /index.html ===== pom.xml ===== This file is shamelessly heavily copy from https://www.megadix.it/blog/create-react-app-servlet/. If you want to know the details, place him a visit. This pom build the react project, and then copy the built files, the weblog.xml, and the web.xml in to the resulting war file. Of course, you need to update the info to suit your project. If your react code is kind of broken, and cannot pass the CI testing, you can set it to false for a while for a quick dirty test. 4.0.0 YOUR_PROJECT_GROUP_ID YOUR_ARTIFACT_ID 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT war YOUR_PEOJECT_NAME YOUR_PEOJECT_DESCRIPTION UTF-8 build cmdctr-webapp-${project.version} org.apache.maven.plugins maven-war-plugin 3.3.1 ${npm.output.directory} ${basedir} weblogic.xml WEB-INF/ ${basedir}/web.xml org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven-plugin 3.0.0 npm install (initialize) exec initialize npm install npm install (clean) exec pre-clean npm install npm run build (compile) exec compile npm run build true ${basedir}/npm ${NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX}/cache ${project.build.directory}/npmtmp local true org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven-plugin http://localhost:8080/${project.artifactId} /${project.artifactId} prod org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven-plugin https://www.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM:PORT_NUMBER/YOUR_CONTEXT_ROOT /${project.artifactId}