====== Proxy to Back-end For Development ====== - Create a file call ''proxy.conf.json'' in the root directory of your project. - Fill the config in ''proxy.conf.json'': { "/BACKEND_SERVER_URL/*": { "target": "http://localhost:8080/BACKEND_SERVER_URL/", "secure": false, "logLevel": "debug", "changeOrigin": false, "pathRewrite": { "^/BACKEND_SERVER_URL": "" } , "headers": {"ipaddress":""} } } - Start your back-end server. Assume your back-end server url is ''http://localhost:8080/BACKEND_SERVER_URL/'' - Start the front-end with: ng s --base-href /YOUR_BASE_URL/ --deploy-url /BACKEND_SERVER_URL/ --proxy-config proxy.conf.json - Now your front-end http request will automatically redirect by angular from port 4200 to 8080 with the relative back-end url.