====== Data Source ====== Data source can be setup in ''application.yml''. You need to fill in 3 environments, and they are production, test, and development. Here is an example of it. You need to fill in your own ''*'' below. ===== For MS SQL Server ===== Assume using MS SQL Server 2012. dataSource: pooled: true jmxExport: true driverClassName: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver username: ******** password: ******** environments: development: dataSource: logSql: true # dbCreate: create-drop dbCreate: none dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect url: jdbc:sqlserver://***.***.***.***:1433;databaseName=*****;charset=utf8;useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 properties: jmxEnabled: true initialSize: 5 maxActive: 50 minIdle: 5 maxIdle: 25 maxWait: 10000 maxAge: 600000 timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis: 5000 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis: 60000 validationQuery: SELECT 1 validationQueryTimeout: 3 validationInterval: 15000 testOnBorrow: true testWhileIdle: true testOnReturn: false jdbcInterceptors: ConnectionState defaultTransactionIsolation: 2 # TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED test: dataSource: dbCreate: update url: jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE production: dataSource: jndiName: "java:/**********" logSql: false dbCreate: none ===== Parameters===== from [[https://docs.grails.org/4.0.1/guide/conf.html]] ---- ''driverClassName'' - The class name of the JDBC driver ''username'' - The username used to establish a JDBC connection ''password'' - The password used to establish a JDBC connection ''url'' - The JDBC URL of the database ''dbCreate'' - Whether to auto-generate the database from the domain model - one of 'create-drop', 'create', 'update' or 'validate' ''pooled'' - Whether to use a pool of connections (defaults to true) ''logSql'' - Enable SQL logging to stdout ''formatSql'' - Format logged SQL ''dialect'' - A String or Class that represents the Hibernate dialect used to communicate with the database. See the org.hibernate.dialect package for available dialects. ''readOnly'' - If true makes the DataSource read-only, which results in the connection pool calling setReadOnly(true) on each Connection ''transactional'' - If false leaves the DataSource’s transactionManager bean outside the chained BE1PC transaction manager implementation. This only applies to additional datasources. ''persistenceInterceptor'' - The default datasource is automatically wired up to the persistence interceptor, other datasources are not wired up automatically unless this is set to true ''properties'' - Extra properties to set on the DataSource bean. See the Tomcat Pool documentation. There is also a Javadoc format documentation of the properties. ''jmxExport'' - If false, will disable registration of JMX MBeans for all DataSources. By default JMX MBeans are added for DataSources with jmxEnabled = true in properties. ''type'' - The connection pool class if you want to force Grails to use it when there are more than one available.